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The Art of Forming Complex Compound Sentences: Useful Tips and Examples - 2021 Guide

In comes compound-complex sentences that are the bane of many. Sounds like a mouthful and requires careful mastering of the language itself. So what is this sentence we are tackling? Well simply put, a sentence with 2 or more independent clauses paired with a single or more dependent clauses forms a compound-complex sentence. Simply put, you are combining the characteristics of both compound, complex, and simple essay writer service. Here are some tips on how to create them

First, you should be aware of the various parts of a sentence. These include the independent clause and the dependent clause. The independent clause portrays full meaning but a dependent cause relies on the independent clause for its successful interpretation. 


Now the clause can either be a complete sentence or not. Consider the example “He is a good friend”. Now such a clause portrays full meaning thus it can be termed as the independent clause. Another example is of “If he comes back”. Now such a clause carries no meaning unless some more details are added with it and thus it is a dependent clause.


The compound sentence alone is made up of two or more independent clauses joined together using a conjunction, comma, or a semicolon. On the other hand, a complex sentence is a combination of independent clauses combined with the dependent best essay writing service in usa


Now combining these two sentences would give you a compound-complex sentence. Let us consider an example

Though he is an expert footballer, he missed the penalty kick that lost them the  match

Inspecting and dissecting the above sentence, it is clear that the first part and the second one are both independent clauses. They portray meaning on their own and can be considered complete sentences. These two are “He is an expert footballer” and “He missed the penalty kick”. The final clause remaining is the dependent one which is “lost them the match”. This is because there is a dependency for it to have some meaning. Simple saying this sentence without context would mean nothing. So, if you find yourself stuck in the next assignment, you could simply buy a sample essay writer online. It would allow you to see how everything is managed and structured by the professionals themselves.

Here is another example that we can use to better understand the whole strategy of developing such sentences.

As he was about to complete his test, he remembered the instructions and he revised the paper before submission.
Now inspecting the sentence more closely, we can make out certain things clearly. The first clause is the dependent clause as it carries no particular meaning if used by itself. The second and the third clause are the independent clauses that give meaning to the first one.

So now you can also identify how to form a simple compound or complex sentences from the above examples as well. The distinction is made based on the clauses that has been used.


He had a rough day and he needed an college essay writer. Now such a sentence is a compound sentence because two independent clause combines together to form one sentence using the conjunction “and”. You can add as many independent clauses as you want by a combination of commas and conjunctions.
As he was about to leave, he remembered to search for his wallet. No, the first part is simply a dependent clause as there is no meaning behind it if spoken. The second clause is the independent one on which the dependent clause falls to get the desired meaning.

Now you are all set to use these sentences within the various assignments you would be getting. An essay writing service would help you guide some more in this regard. You could simply contact them before you begin to write a new document. Essays are a great way to practice these techniques. It is important to use a variety of complexities within the paragraphs in an essay to show that you are a skilled writer. Simply writing easily formed sentences would ultimately lose your credibility as a good writer. Here are a few things you must remember

A variety of sentences should be used that are varying in length. It would allow the readers to see that you are a skilled writer who knows how to transition between writing styles. Each paragraph would carry certain variations throughout but would be keeping a single meaning.
Do not use similar wording again and again as it would lose the effectiveness behind the essay. You must have a variety of synonyms and meaning under your arsenal so you have a worthwhile assignment.
Focus on the topic at hand and do not stray away from the write my essay. Maintaining the eye on the ball is essential as the audience would lose track of where you want the whole discussion to lead.

As you would practice more, you would be using these techniques without even giving these a thought.