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The new forum

By Gerald Austin posted 07-12-2016 22:04



After many years online from dialup modems on sci.engr.joining.welding through various other forums one of the most dependable and useable welding forums I have ever used is now something that MAY be phased out.

Sure, its an old interface. No fancy graphics, WYSIWYG editors with cute little icons. But the content and people who contribute are UNMATCHED. Regardless of the format, the PEOPLE make the difference in a discussion.

Many of those contributors may be AWS members, I don't know. Maybe all the "good ones" are. I hope that those who were active there, will be active here regardless of their membership. Maybe those who contributed xxxx posts and request access to this forum may be allowed.

Its not my playground so just go with the flow. Regardless of t he "format" I will often times not have a problem writing something on a forum related to welding. Its been a great trade and the prior forum has been a considerable "fix" for me when wanting to share some information related to welding hit me. It was also extremely useful for getting questions answered on the many topics I may not be familiar with.

Maybe this forum will do the same but with the potential for some great "content providers" not being allowed because of AWS membership, the quality may be different. Time will tell.




01-19-2024 17:16

I cant log into the old forum it says my user name doesn't exist. i can find it at but i cannot participate. any help would be appreciated.

02-15-2017 21:45

Well, here are some new comments but the BLOG feature doesn't seem to be in use.

07-24-2016 13:15

That was written on the front and of the "Beta Testing" I was looking forward to seeing a great deal of "Activity" based upon the selection of participants. However it didn't appear that the quantity or quality of postings changed much.


Sure, a little easier to share some files, see other people's information, and write in a cute little text editor box. 


But overall, nothing earth shattering. I think the NEW forum should be used for matters related to AWS. Code Commitees could,be COMPLETELY redone to be entirely online. Interpretations and technical inquiries  could be answered in hours. 

Submittal of AWS Certified Welder paperwork....right online vs the 1970s method still used. 

I will use the the original forum for as long as it runs and check in on this. I doubt every full time employee at AWS could match the welding knowledge represented on the original forum. 

Maybe this will still be here when,the one starts up. We will see.