
When I attended High School in the early 70's I was given an option to attend the vocational school in our county system, or take French, so I elected for the vocational route. My first choice was not welding but cosmetology, as a young man 16 years old I was not thinking of the future just of today and did not realize I would one day be bald. Wizer heads prevailed and my father had a friend who was a welder, and I grew up on a farm with a man across the field who had a welding machine so I made the choice to follow the trade. That choice made my entire future, and gave me a most excellent life with a wife who also was a tradesman. Today though as a welding ...
I often get a call from companies or individuals saying that they need to get "Certified in welding". My first question is which process and for what job, and then do you have a WPS for what you are trying to do? Many times the ones involved have no ideal what a WPS is let alone what they want to accomplish. I usually try and explain to them that, certifications are job specific, and qualifications are process specified. Most students from welding schools are qualified in the various processes by the school they attend, all this means to the employer is that this person has passed a specific process test and that gets them the opportunity to "Certify" for the ...

Can anyone see this

Just wonder how this links with the forum. Comment if you can see it .

The new forum

Change After many years online from dialup modems on sci.engr.joining.welding through various other forums one of the most dependable and useable welding forums I have ever used is now something that MAY be phased out. Sure, its an old interface. No fancy graphics, WYSIWYG editors with cute little icons. But the content and people who contribute are UNMATCHED. Regardless of the format, the PEOPLE make the difference in a discussion. Many of those contributors may be AWS members, I don't know. Maybe all the "good ones" are. I hope that those who were active there, will be active here regardless of their membership. Maybe those who contributed xxxx posts ...